Mark Zides

About Mark

I'm Mark Zides, I specialize in helping young professionals and recent college grads overcome career challenges & job search while building the foundational mindset & skills for career trajectory. Let's unlock your potential together and drive performance + growth.

As a passionate transformational and visionary leader, I inspire others to achieve beyond what seems possible. My unique set of experiences and skills enables me to develop out-of-the-box solutions and drive positive outcomes. I have extensive experience in taking solutions from concept to productization, revenue generation, profitability, and even exit strategies. I engage with others by role modeling and articulating the way, building trust, and inspiring others to take action. I enjoy catalyzing and creating success so much that I wrote a book about it. A toast to the success of future generations, The #PACE Process For Early Career Success offers my experience in transforming dreams into reality across diverse and ever-changing business landscapes. I enjoy delivering value to companies that want to build world-class on-boarding and training programs – particularly for Gen-Z’s – I even delivered a TEDx talk on it. Let’s connect and explore how we can achieve remarkable success together.
let’s connect
I’ve created value at these great companies and can bring immediate impact to you

Whether you’re looking for a CEO, board member, business partner, consultant, or professional mentor, I'm here here to lift you up, point the way, and help you set a solid #PACE towards your success.

What can Mark do for You?


Participatory Partnership

Serving as your on-demand partner or co-founder, Mark can provide full-stack infrastructure — capital, talent, expertise, and overarching methodology — to efficiently build successful startups. Think “AWS for building startups”.


Leadership, At Any Scale

For 30 years Mark has built future leaders in hundreds of organizations. From startups to Fortune 500’s he has designed and implemented world-class onboarding, training, and leadership programs that have created sustainable organizations.


Cross-Generational Career Mentorship

Mark will provide you with the content, knowledge and tools to stay ahead of the game and achieve success in this rapidly evolving talent and workplace landscape.


Game-Changing Skills and Insight

Ignite immediate impact by leveraging Mark’s deep expertise, knowledge, proven methodologies, content, capital resources, fresh perspective, and widespread network.


Experience-Based Consulting

Unlock the secrets to growth and success working with Mark and his team. He and his network have over 50+ years of experience and expertise to help you bring your business to the next level.

Talent Strategy

Business Development

Strategic Growth

Angel Investing

Strategic Planning

Strategic Growth

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